Black Bull Close Dunbar Grammar School Funding Training

Local Area Partnership is funding the Ridge

The Ridge has been lucky enough recently to receive funding from the Local Area Partnership to clear overgrown vegetation from the Black Bull Close. This is a fantastic step forward for us and “clears the way” so to speak to allow Simpson and Brown to carry out a Feasibility Study to further our works in the…


Flexible Training Opportunities

Flexible Training Opportunities (FTOs) give small Scottish businesses the opportunity to apply for up to £3,000 towards employee training costs. We will refund up to 50% of your employee training activities, up to a maximum of £1000 per employee. This funding can be used for qualifications, masterclasses, workshops, and more. 1. Benefits of Flexible Training…


LANTRA Approved Provider

The Ridge is delighted to have achieved Approved Provider status with LANTRA. This means we are now able to offer certificated training in a wide range of practical land-based and environmental skills, to meet local demand. Chainsaw certificates are very much in demand for a range of local work opportunities, from Tree Surgery, to Gardening…