The Ridge started work on regenerating the Backlands site in 2015, many hours of staff and volunteer time have gone into creating the much-loved community space that you can visit today. The garden is productive in many ways, beautiful flowers, organic fruit and vegetables as well as providing a safe and inspiring space to volunteer or simply just to be. Our produce is available to the community directly from the garden or from our local community owned grocers.
In 2020, we took on another challenge to create more community growing space at the Empire Close. The site previously housed a cinema and a sale room but had lain empty and unused since the 1960s. Under the direction of our Head Gardener, Lorraine Ross, we are designing and developing an apothecary garden, extensive cut-flower beds as well as vegetable growing space.
Garden News
- Social Impact Report 2024📈 Measuring Impact, Inspiring Progress Every year, we embark on a mission to assess our contributions to our local community and evaluate…
- Buy a BucketLocally grown, season seasonal flowers – 20 January 2023 We are expanding our cut flower production this year and we want you…
- Hot off the press..Our 2021-2022 Social Impact Report has landed and we are delighted to share it with you. This reflection on our year highlights…
Gardens Projects Portfolio

Our Gardens
The Ridge Gardens are based in two sites not far from Dunbar High Street, the Backlands Garden and Empire Close Garden. Up until recently both sites had lain to waste and offered no more than neglected derelict waste ground in the heart of Dunbar’s historical town centre. The Ridge started work on regenerating the Backlands…

NC Rural Skills
Alongside our NPA provision we deliver National Certificate in Rural Skills. A beautifully diverse course that covers everything from soft landscaping to estate management. We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new cohort of students for 2021

Funding news
We are delighted to say a huge thank you to Edinburgh University Local Community Grants fund which has recently awarded the Ridge £1.000 to run a small project with a focus on biodiversity and re-wilding part of urban landscape. In the run up to COP26, The University of Edinburgh rolled out ‘The Green Micro-grants’, a…
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