The Ridge SCIO Training

We are supported by The Bank of Scotland

We are supported by The Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Trade Up Programme, in partnership with the School for Social Entrepreneurs and jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and Scottish GovernmenT. The Ridge is delighted to have been accepted onto the “Trade-Up Programme” which is designed to support established social entrepreneurs who are already…

Jobs News Training

DIGITAL YOU – skills for life and work

We are very excited to announce that the Ridge was successful in securing funding from the SCVO Digital Participation Charter Fund. This will allow us to help you safely benefit from, participate in and contribute to the digital world of today and the future. Digital literacy is a right and a necessity and not something…

News Training

Certificate of Work Readiness 2018

February sees The Ridge delivering our Employability Fund Certificate of Work Readiness courses. These programmes are non-sector specific, instead, we focus on really getting to know our clients allowing us to do what we know works best and that is finding places that REALLY suit an individual’s interests and aptitudes. 78% of those attending our…


New Project Workers

We are delighted to have appointed two new members of the Training and Support team. Collin Glass and Amanda Doig will be familiar to many of you, as both stay and have worked locally.


Developing the Young Workforce

The Ridge was recently awarded a contract by Developing the Young Workforce, to design and deliver a course for Employers across Edinburgh, East and Midlothian, looking at delivery of excellent work placements. Developing the Young Workforce, Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy is about delivering a step change in employer engagement, making it easier for businesses to…


Hot Lime Mortar Training

The Ridge already delivers very well attended courses in Hot Lime Mortar training with Stockdale and Lyall at the Backlands and we will be adding more to the diary in the New Year thanks to our strengthening relationship with Historic Environment Scotland. If you are interested in finding out more about these courses, drop into…