Your donation however small will help enable positive change
Help us support people to take control of their own lives, unlock their potential and realise their strengths.
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Some small print
The Ridge aims to create jobs and training opportunities, including for vulnerable groups, in the Dunbar area.
We value our local heritage and are developing ways to provide specialised skills training and work opportunities which ensure that current and future generations are able to appreciate and care for it.
In order to make this happen we want to:
- offer training and support to help people find gainful employment locally
- develop practical supports to allow more vulnerable members of our community to overcome barriers in accessing training, facilitating the fulfilment of their potential.
- develop business uses for restored buildings, to create jobs and to provide income to make our projects sustainable
- protect our local built heritage by creating a base of skills and knowledge to carry out restoration and maintenance of historic buildings
- Download a Gift Aid form here.
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