Jobs News The Ridge SCIO

The Ridge is looking for a Treasurer

TRUSTEE RECRUITMENT The Trustees of The Ridge are looking to recruit a Treasurer. If you feel you have the skills, the time and the passion for our unique community empowerment, we would love to hear from you! The Ridge is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).  We are regulated by the Office of the Scottish…

Foundations Jobs News Training

Constructing Futures 2025

11th February 2025 ANNOUNCING Following the success for our Constructing Futures programmes in 2023 and 2024, we are delighted to announce the launch of our 2025 Constructing Futures pre-apprenticeship programme, designed by The Ridge. The purpose is to help participants develop an understanding of apprenticeship opportunities, which are available in the construction trades. Each participant…

Jobs News Training

DIGITAL YOU – skills for life and work

We are very excited to announce that the Ridge was successful in securing funding from the SCVO Digital Participation Charter Fund. This will allow us to help you safely benefit from, participate in and contribute to the digital world of today and the future. Digital literacy is a right and a necessity and not something…

Black Bull Close Construction Funding Jobs

Fantastic Funding from Heritage Lottery Fund and Beyond

Black Bull Close Clearance and Community Archaeology Project We’re so excited to announce that the Heritage Lottery Fund has granted us £55,000 to support the next phase in clearing the Black Bull Close buildings and making them safe. This will allow us to give access to small supervised groups, in particular as part of a…