Funding The Ridge SCIO

With Thanks – Funding Update

The work carried out by The Ridge depends on, in no short measure to the invaluable support and donations from our funders. We would like to thank, in no particular order: East Lothian Council who have granted us £30,000 in Partnership Funding, “in support of and commitment to the Ridge, for the contribution we make…

Funding The Ridge SCIO

Major Funding Boost from the Coastal Communities Fund

The Ridge is delighted to announce a major funding award from the Coastal Communities Fund. We have been awarded £200,000 over 2 years, to deliver a number of specific projects, relating to the development of accredited training,  getting people ready for work in the local job market (food production, horticulture, and fisheries); working with local traders…

Funding The Ridge SCIO

The Ridge: Pilot Project gets initial funding

We have received funding towards our pilot project from East Lammermuir Community Council, Dunbar Community Council, Foundation Scotland, East Lothian Council’s Community Engagement Fund, the Lloyds TSB School for Social Entrepreneurs, and the National Lottery’s Investing in Ideas fund. We are really grateful for this early support that will now allow us to develop our pilot…