The Ridge Gardens are based in two sites not far from Dunbar High Street, the Backlands Garden and Empire Close Garden. Up until recently both sites had lain to waste and offered no more than neglected derelict waste ground in the heart of Dunbar’s historical town centre. The Ridge started work on regenerating the Backlands…
Archives: Projects
In February 2017 we started our fantastically successful Plenty Project. The Plenty Project is designed for people who want to learn how, what and why to cook on a limited budget. It has developed into a number of courses tailored specifically to adults, and to children of all different ages. Adult courses are made up of…
The Ridge Cafe at the Bleachingfields have recently started a new venture, Hungry Hatch Meals and we want to shout about it. Sue along with a fantastic crew of volunteers are working closely with local suppliers to stamp out food waste in Dunbar. Food that would normally go to waste for no good reason is…
Sunny Soups grew out of the Plenty Project as a way for course participants to stay in touch, continue to learn new cooking skills, and volunteer to reduce local food waste and generate free, nourishing food for the community. Unsold fruit, vegetables and herbs are donated by local shops including The Cooperative and the Crunchy Carrot,…
The Ridge Training has delivered well attended courses in Hot Lime Mortar training with Stockdale and Lyall and Stonewall Repair at the Backlands. More will be added to the diary in the New Year thanks to our strengthening relationship with Historic Environment Scotland.
In May 2017 we were approached by the headteacher of nearby West Barns Primary School to deliver a version of our Plenty programme to each year-group of pupils, and in October P 6/7 took part in the first week of classes. The Plenty Project is funded by SCVO, and in this instance we have been…
A further development from the Plenty Project ‘Write to Recovery’ was a ten week creative writing course facilitated by the Scottish Recovery Network at the Backlands, which started mid-July 2017. These are rolling courses so get in touch if you want to find out current dates and times. There is growing evidence that tells us that…
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