Black Bull Close Gardens

Ministerial visits

We were delighted to play host to Aileen Campbell – Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government as she paid a visit to East Lothian. She spent just over an hour onsite, touring the gardens and the work being carried out at the historic Black Bull Close buildings and chatting to our staff and volunteers. She even managed to secure a bag of fresh veg picked from the Backlands garden.

In her own words: “Visiting The Ridge gave me an insight into the wide range of projects and support they provide, including the Backlands Site, the Hungry Hatch Café and the exciting restoration work at Black Bull Close. These projects provide great food, green spaces to enjoy and improve Dunbar as a place to live and visit. This innovative enterprise also provides local people with opportunities for training, employment and volunteering and helps improve health and wellbeing. The success of The Ridge is a testament to the dedication of staff and volunteers, transforming people’s lives and physically regenerating the heart of Dunbar.”

Visits such as these are hugely important in raising our profile and we are very grateful when MSPs and other elected officials take time out of their hectic timetables to speak with us. Thanks, Aileen!!